A blog entry in song form! Thanks to my online friend Tonya for sharing her bandwidth, and for sharing the song, and to Ray, whomever and wherever you are for singing it. With only a few days to go until the big event, we had our big staff meeting yesterday to determine what was left to do, and make sure that everything was done. As a result, I'd just like to dedicate Ray's little song to all of my readers, Grouchbutt, and, especially, everyone on my work team - except "P", who has vanished this week with two sick days and a poorly-timed vacation, and who will not be returning until the day of the event. Because, as far as we can tell, he hasn't completed a single fucking thing he said he would do.
And if he fails to show on the day of the event, I believe our next dedication will probably involve death metal.
Edit: Here's an mp3 of the same file, since Mac computers don't particularly like wma formats. Can't say that I really do either...
Hi Randy, I should have just posted my comment here instead of at DwS. How great that this song is "getting around." So glad you all enjoyed it. I was walking down the street this morning on my way back from the espresso shop singing it.
The thing I love about this song is that it lends itself so well to writing additional verses.
Can't wait to hear it upon my return to civilization.
God bless the guy who wrote that song.
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